M.Ac., L.Ac.
(301) 565-4924

The goal of acupuncture is to help the patient find, or re-find, balance as the move through life. The signs of being out of balance can appear on a physical, mental, or spiritual level, and they may show up on any of these levels no matter their original cause.  The causes of falling out of balance can be anything from a physical injury, trauma, a major life change.  Over the years I have spent a great deal of time working with young people and as a practitioner I am particularly drawn to treating teens and young adults as they experience the upheaval of moving into adulthood, as well as younger children.

My promise as an acupuncturist is that, no matter your age or situation, I will meet you where you are, as you are, and will work to help you move to that sometimes-elusive place of balance.

I have a Master of Acupuncture degree from the Maryland University of Integrated Health, as well as a BA in Religious Studies and an MA in Communication, Culture and Technology.

When I am not with patients, I can often be found hiking or rock climbing with my wife and son or enjoying a good book.

Now an in-network provider with Carefirst/BCBS