Active Isolated Stretching – a whole body approach to stretching that takes advantage of certain physiological principles (stretch reflex, reciprocal inhibition) to ensure efficient, effective and safe stretching techniques that improve flexibility and posture, aid rehabilitation, and enhance general circulation and metabolic processes. [Lucia Mercer]

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (CST) – a hands-on approach to healing that applies a series of gentle holds to balance the craniosacral system (composed of the bones and soft tissue of the cranium, spine and sacrum; the meninges; and the cerebrospinal fluid).  By easing restrictions in these tissues and balancing the rhythmic flow of the cerebrospinal fluid, CST restores balance to the central nervous system and the entire body.  [Lucia Mercer]

Deep Tissue Massage – describes both specific techniques (compression, friction, deep glides) and is also a general “umbrella” term to describe a variety of modalities that affect and release deeper layers of muscle and other structures of the body (e.g. Connective Tissue Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy).  [Holly Markush]

Integrative Manual Therapy and Bodywork (IMTB) -addresses biomechanical dysfunction -restricted range of motion involving joints and soft tissues – with non-force approaches based onosteopathic methodologies. IMBT is a whole body approach, enhancing vitality and adaptivecapacity by releasing the barriers to free and balanced motion through use of use of positioning, fulcrums and resisted movement. Techniques used include muscle energy, counterstrain,myofascial release, cranial and visceral work, lymph drainage, Zero Balancing, neural tension,functional technique, among others. [Ricey Clapp]

Manual Therapy for Oncology Care & Wellness – is the modification of existing massage therapy techniques in order to safely work with those living with cancer. Client-specific and customized, oncology massage is designed to safely meet the unique and changing needs of those in treatment or with a history of cancer treatment. This safe massage plan generally revolves around the side effects, both short and long-term, of chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.  The changes that might be made to a massage that make it an “oncology massage” can fall under a number of categories, but typically they will be related to session length, pressure, positioning and areas of specific compromise or concern such as mediports, bone metastases or skin reactions to treatment.  Evidence-based studies have confirmed the effectiveness of massage for cancer patients in the reduction of anxiety and pain-perception. Additionally, because of  the many self-reported benefits of massage and safe touch, oncology massage is now offered in many  of the world’s leading cancer hospitals. Qualified therapists offering oncology massage have been  specifically trained in courses sanctioned by the non-profit Society for Oncology Massage. [Ricey Clapp]

Myofascial/Connective Tissue Massage – are both whole-body approaches to healing that seek to restore balance and postural alignment, and thereby reduce pain and increase vitality.  Techniques focus on releasing restrictions and restoring length in the fascia (the layers of connective tissue that surround and support every muscle, organ and bone in the body).  They have their foundations in physical therapy and structural integration/Rolfing.  [Holly Markush, Lucia Mercer]

Pregnancy Massage – specialized knowledge of and advanced training in techniques that are beneficial (and contraindicated techniques to avoid) in alleviating pregnancy-related symptoms, and helping support pregnant clients during this period of major structural, physiological, psychological and emotional changes.  [Holly Markush, Lucia Mercer]

Reiki – an ancient energetic healing art that utilizes gentle holds over key areas of the body where principal organs and glands are located (which correspond to the eastern-based system of chakras).  It aims to balance and amplify and individual’s energy to promote healing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes.  [Lucia Mercer]

Somatic Experiencing – Somatic Experiencing® is a body-awareness approach to trauma being taught throughout the world. It is the result of over forty years of observation, research, and hands-on development by Dr. Peter Levine. Based upon the realization that human beings have an innate ability to overcome the effects of trauma, Somatic Experiencing has touched the lives of many thousands. SE® restores self-regulation, and returns a sense of aliveness, relaxation and wholeness to traumatized individuals who have had these precious gifts taken away. SE® has been used to work with combat veterans, rape survivors, Holocaust survivors, auto accident and post surgical trauma, chronic pain sufferers, and even to infants after suffering traumatic births. [Lucia Mercer, Barbara Glenfield]

Strain-Counterstrain (SCS)– is a gentle, indirect osteopathic technique that decreases or eliminates muscle spasm, neuromuscular pain and restricted motion through passive positioning of the affected muscle/joint. This straightforward approach resets muscles reflexes, arrests inappropriate proprioceptor activity via the central nervous system, returning muscle fibers to normal resting length and tone. Extensively mapped, palpable tender points in soft tissues are used for both detection and treatment of the affected areas. The therapist is guided by what feels good to the client. The gentleness of SCS makes it safe and effective for those in acute discomfort, chronic pain/fibromyalgia, fragile clients (elderly, osteoporosis, pregnancy). [Barbara Glenfield, Ricey Clapp]

Swedish Massage – is the foundation for most western approaches to massage, and often the most well-known.  It aims primarily to induce general relaxation, while improving circulation (blood and lymph), and increase joint mobility through the use of long gliding strokes, combined with kneading, percussive and frictioning techniques.  [Holly Markush, Lucia Mercer]

Zero Balancing – with roots in both osteopathic medicine and acupuncture, this hands-on approach integrates Western manipulative techniques with the Eastern energy system.  A variety of gentle and firm holds are used to balance the body’s energy currents with the structural components of bone, skeleton, and joints. [Holly Markush, Ricey Clapp, Mark Greiner, Corey Timbers]