M.Ac, L.Ac
email: meg@megcaseyacupuncture.com

Meg Casey , M.Ac, L.Ac is a licensed acupuncturist having earned a masters in Acupuncture from  Maryland University of Integrative Health (formerly Tai Sophia)   Before becoming an acupuncturist, Meg spent 18 years as a labor activist, building campaigns for transformation and change in society, helping communities of workers find their voice.

After experiencing profound healing herself through her own journey with acupuncture, , Meg applies her interest in personal and community transformation to the world of health by helping her clients to courageously evolve as they take charge of their own wellness and heal themselves.  She is passionate about connecting to the natural cycle of the seasons, building practices to help us all live with more ease and joy and helping everyone she works with discover their own innate superpowers.

While Meg works with a wide variety of people who experience many different symptoms, she has a special interest in chronic pain, fatigue and illness, depression and anxiety, women’s health and working with teenagers and other individuals who are at a transformative moment in their lives.

Meg is a mother of a teen and two wise cats named Katniss and Tabitha. When Meg is not in the treatment room, she enjoys knitting, writing, dancing and mixing up magical meals in her kitchen.